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Frequently asked questions

Where can I get tickets?

You can easily buy the tickets directly on the ship, you can also buy tickets for a round trip online on this website.

Are dogs allowed on the ship?
Yes, dogs are allowed on the ship, but make sure that the dog is on a leash.

Is it possible to take bicycles on the ship?
Yes, all ships also transport bicycles, but capacity is limited.

Can you also pay by card on the ship?
You can also pay by card on the ship. We accept: Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, American Express, etc.

Can a tour be interrupted?
With a round trip ticket it is also possible to interrupt the journey. Make sure that you get on again with the same company.

What are the advantages of the Weissensee Premium Card?
With the Weissensee Premium Card you can travel free of charge on all liner ships. No matter when and no matter how often, including arrival and departure days. (Not incl. bicycle transport and dogs).


What advantages do I have with the Nassfeld +Card holiday?
With the +Card holidy you get a discount on the round trip.
(Regular price: adults €18.00 / children €9.00 | +Card: adults €15.00 / children €7.50) Valid until: 06/30/2024 and from 09/01/2024

Is there a toilet on the ship?
Yes, there is also a toilet on each ship.

Is there anything to drink on the ship?
We also offer you cold drinks, hot drinks and ice cream etc. on the ship.

How long is a round trip?
The whole tour takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Bild Charterfahrten

Charter trips

  • Family events
  • Company events
  • Birthdays
  • Weddings

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